BBC #100 Women
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 5
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 5
Introducing Dr Alanoud Alsharekh

Surmounting stereotypes : Arab women in a changing political landscape

and Veronique Thouvenot

Zero Mothers Die : We already have the tools - why have we not made maternal mortality a problem of the past?
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 4
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 4
Introducing Owl Fisher and Sharan Dhaliwal

The future of gender identities : what will the fight for diversity and inclusion bring?

They and Them in The Basement again, non and utopia genderless
"I've escaped dating apps"
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 3
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 3
Introducing urban anthropologist Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman

The future of cities is human... and female centric
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 2
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 2
Introducing medical pro Lisa Campo-Engelstein

The Male pill : Will it advance gender equality?
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 1
BBC #100 Women 17.10.2019 event 1
On Stage host Chi Ci Izundu, comedian Sofie Hagen, writer Jung Chan

Introducing the Female Future
Artists showcasing interaction of men's intellect and women's heart
A world where men don't speak and women are refreshingly " f "
writing on Mao and Real Women, it's all power, money and country